If you are an attorney considering a referral to the firm, here's what you need to know:
- Attorneys Steve Barry and Oliver Barry are certified as Civil Trial Attorneys by the Supreme Court of New Jersey. As such, they pay referral fees in accordance with Court Rules in all matters referred.
- As of 2015, over 100 of your NJ and out of state colleagues make referrals to the firm on a regular basis.
- The firm returns every call, to every client you refer, and every matter is given thorough consideration even when it isn't accepted.
- We make certain that we notate the source of a referral and protect your referral fee.
- The firm pays one third (33%) of the collected fee on all civil contingent matters, pays one quarter (25%) of the collected fee for referrals of personal injury matters where the base fee is 25% by rule (such as for minors), and pays a reasonable referral fee on all hourly or flat fee matters in which referral fees are not prohibited by rule or law.