Barry, Corrado & Grassi is a team of Wildwood Crest criminal lawyers that represents clients throughout Cape May County. If you are facing charges for DUI, drunk and disorderly conduct, or another offense, our firm can defend your rights. Many of our clients have found themselves facing loss of freedom or heavy fines from a moment of poor judgement or guilt by association, and we fight to protect their future.
In the state of New Jersey, there are two types of criminal offenses: disorderly behavior misdemeanors or indictable felonies. In either case, the state must prove your guilt beyond a reasonable doubt. When you have been charged, the arresting officer must follow procedures defined by our Constitution and stay within the laws of the state.
However, we try many DUI cases, and fighting such charges can be very difficult. The state has severe penalties for anyone driving or operating a boat with a Blood Alcohol Content of .08% or more at the time of arrest. A BAC of at least .08% is considered legally intoxicated, and a BAC of .10% or greater can result in stiff penalties. A defendant is required to take a breathalyzer test, and refusal to take the test can also be charged.
Our attorneys also work with clients on having their arrest information and have their criminal information sealed from the public domain. We have helped many of our clients have their criminal records, especially when they have been found innocent of the crimes with which they were charged. Having your arrest and criminal records expunged will be a great help to you in finding future housing, employment, and professional licensing, and it will also help you put an emotionally draining experience in the past.
Let the Wildwood Crest criminal lawyers at Barry, Corrado & Grassi fight for your rights and fight to protect you from severe penalties that permanently damage your future. Joseph C. Grassi is our resident Certified Criminal Trial Attorney and represents his clients zealously. Grassi has experience in reducing penalties, dismissing charges, and expungement approvals that remove arrests from the public record.
Request Wildwood Crest Criminal Lawyers’ Services Today.
If you have been or think you may be charged and need Wildwood Crest criminal lawyers, don’t wait. Call our law offices today or use this online form to request a consultation. We will fight for your behalf and help protect your future.